집 » 제품 » 1000C2 시리즈 1000×500 옥외 실내 임대료 발광 다이오드 표시 단위 P1.953 P2.604 P2.976 P3.91 P4.81
500x1000mm Rental LED Display 1000C2 Series
1000×500 Outdoor Indoor Rental LED Display 1000C2 Series has two quick lock devices on the left and right sides, which can ensure faster assembly speed and better screen flatness. It also has anti-collision feet at the bottom of the cabinet to protect the edge of the LED module.
High Precision Curve Lock design is adopted to solve the problem that the old curved lock is difficult to use before. Rotational control, more accurate, easy to use and quickly adjust curve degree.
1000C2 series LED sign display has four corner protectors in each corner to prevent LED to be damaged, more security for transport, installation, operation, assemble & disassemble foldable design, and easy to use.
High precision 90 degree Curved LED display make seamless splicing image and video display, offering you the perfect visual experience you desire. 화질은 시청자에게 완전히 새로운 감각적 경험을 선사합니다.
500x1000mm Curved LED Screen with standard size panel: 250x250mm. Standard led screens are quick to assemble and maintain. 픽셀 간격을 변경하는 것도 매우 편리합니다. 모듈 크기와 구조가 동일하기 때문에 모듈만 변경하면 됩니다.
1000C2 Series 1000×500 Outdoor Indoor Rental LED Display P1.953 P2.604 P2.976 P3.91 P4.81 Viewing angle is up to 160° vertical and horizontal, providing a wide viewing angle. 울트라 와이드 시야각은 가장 큰 화면 보기 영역을 제공합니다. 모든 방향에서 선명하고 자연스러운 이미지를 제공합니다.